
Teacher : Mrs. Boyle

Classroom Aide - Janal D

1:1 Aides

Alketa X

Samantha H

Gerri G

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The holidays are upon us! YIPPEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The air is a tingle with many layers of excitement, from gathering with family and friends to special events here at school.

  •         Friday, December 14th - Christmas Countdown. Wear your Christmas colors.
  •         Wednesday, December 19th- Dansville chorus in the morning. Sing-a-long in the afternoon.
  •         Thursday, December 20th- Rush Henrietta Chorus on stage.
  •         Friday, December 21st- HC Firemen's Christmas Party.
We can't wait to share all the fun with you!
                    We also have a new face in our class room; Samantha, she is a one to one aide.
                                                      Welcome Samantha to our team!

Cheearleading has started which is always a fun activity as well as basketball for all our athletic

The Sunrise Cafe continues to keep us all busy and on our toes, as we incorporate festive foods into our menu.
We have also been baking many of the new items; we now offer homemade breads, such as Gingerbread and Pumpkin bread. We also have been brewing up some special coffee such as Pumpkin Spice etc.  
In ceramics we are helping to complete all the ornaments for our friends, the firemen. They look great! 

We all are looking forward to our Holiday vacation. We are and will continue to work hard over the next week. But from all of us here at HC, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Look for the next post in 2013.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


            So alot has happened since our last post. Here are some highlights of all the fun and hard work !
            The Rochester Amerks came and played a hockey game with some of our consumers and staff!

Cody is saying hello to some of the players.

                After the game, some of our students got to meet  the Amerks and get an autograph.
                It was a great day.

Nathan was so excited to get his sticker signed! Yeah!!

 Some of our teachers and consumers played on our Holy Childhood team!
Of course Holy Childhood won the game! Yeah...............

On November 15th, Janel's sister, Rakay, came in to talk about being a vet in honor of Veterans' day.
Our students had some questions to ask about what she does and  where she has been. The kids were able to hold and look at the patches she earned while doing her military service ! 

Rakay told us that  she is a truck driver for  the National Guard,a wife and mother,  a debt collector,and a respiratory therapist. We learned that she also has a "life" outside the National Guard.

We also found out that her boss is  President Barack Obama, and that she went to Afganistan, and just came back from NYC . She told us how she was halling water for people who needed it in regards to Hurricane Sandy. 

We give a big thanks to both the Amerks and Rakay for coming in the last couple of weeks. Our students have had a blast. 
We continued to work hard on the cafe and academics. We have been baking our own bread to sell at the Sunrise Cafe as well. We are now getting ready for Thanksgiving break. Here is a look at what we made to decorate our table for our Thanksgiving feast.

We made our famous placemats. We decided to learn how to set a table setting. Then we decided what we were thankful for and cut out  those pictures for  our placemats. We then placed the  pictures with  the kinds of food we might see on our plate during our meal.

This turkey was fun for the kids to make. The body is a styrofoam ball painted brown. The feathers are painted popsicle sticks. The head, neck, and feet are printed off the internet and cut out.

In health, we are learning about manners. When we talked about manners at the table, we also talked about table settings and we felt that the kids needed some more instruction on how we set a table.

 Nathan is eating his Thanksgiving lunch with friends!

                                                                               Holly and Keta are enjoying their meal together!
Gunnar and Martha are also  enjoying their lunch together  with  friends! 

Turkey Trot Dance

Chaya is having a blast with a girl friend at the dance!

Lets dance!
 We would like to wish you all a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 2, 2012


It has been a couple of weeks since I have been able to post about the fun we are having in class. As you know, we have been working hard on our voting unit, as well our sight words and much more. What we all want to share is the fun we are having in music class, playing instruments and singing our favorite songs. We are learning the sign language for the song "What a Wonderful World".

We all love music!

 We have been enjoying Halloween here at SHC. We had our annual Spooktacular on Wednesday afternoon. Take a look at some the events that we participated in.

                           Happy Halloween
                   Fishing for eyeballs                               A book and a bingo game

Boo !!!                                                                     Yeah Bat Man!

                                                                                        Making Ghost lollipops for the trick or treaters!
In Personal Hygiene, we are learning about germs and what to do when you cough and sneeze. We practiced coughing in our elbows and sneezing in a kleenex to cover our nose and mouth. This will help keep everyone healthy.

Who do you think your student will vote for?
Obama or Romney
In Ms.O's room, the students cast their own vote for president. This made a great conversation piece for home. Students could talk about who they voted for and how they cast their vote.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On behalf of all the staff in our room we would like to say thank you  for coming to the open house. We had a good time talking to you all and sharing our room with you. Thank you for supporting your son or daughter and us. Your support is truly important.

We had some students from Roberts Wesleyan College visit and observe our day. We were able to practice our socal skills by introducing ourselves and asking "WH" questions to find out more about them. We got to play a fun game of UNO after lunch for free time.

We had a visit from Mike and Buddy. This is always fun for the class. We all love take him for a walk, play ball, and feed Buddy treats.

In social skills class we reviewed survival signs. We went around the building to spot some signs that we have identified on Smartboard. The students did a great job !

Thursday, October 11, 2012

1st week of october

Wow! It is hard to believe that it is October! Last week we opened the Sunrise Cafe for the first time this new school year. All of our students worked hard and were very excited to be part of such a great job experience.
Each student has a job that they are responsible for at the Sunrise Cafe.
Nathan is pouring coffee and juice.

                                          Katy is running the cash register and making change.
                                        This job can be difficult. She is doing it with ease.

                                                   Peter did a great job toasting the bagels.

Nicholas and Josh did a great job greeting customers.

Congratulations to all the students for the opening of the cafe. They did great job. Keep up the good work!

Before we opened we had to do a little shopping. Here is a sneak peek at our students in BJ's shopping for our grand opening.
Each student has a grocery list and is responsible for recording prices and keeping track of what we buy.
 As a group we compare prices, find the best price and then make a decision on what to buy.

                                            We all proceed to the check out and pay for our items .

We head back to school and unload the van for Wednesday's Sunrise Cafe.

Our class room does a healthy snack every Friday. Each student is asked to help prepare part of it. We practice basic cooking skills and have a great time. We made Apple Pie Party Dip, Baked Apples, and Apple slices with peanut butter.

                                               Nicholas is baking his apple using the microwave.

                                      With the help of Debbie Gruber, Sam is taking the core out of his apple
                                        for his baked apple snack. He is doing a great job.

Chaya and Janel are cutting her apple for peanut butter. Keep up the good work!

We have celebrated our first Homeroom Birthday.